

We have been selling collectible posters on eBay since 1998. Here is a list of the "problem buyers" we have encountered over the last 22 years. This list comes from our "blocked buyers list" on eBay. We hope this information helps you. Do yourself a favor, copy and paste this into your blocked buyers list on eBay.

Some of these buyers have tried to scam us, others have complained about the stupidest things, many have just annoyed the hell out of us. Please share your blocked buyer list with us. As eBay sellers we are no longer able to leave these idiots negative feedback so all we can do is share information with other sellers.

THE LIST - Updated 6/22/2020

**rudolph**, 1174whipflash, 247distributors, 303collectables, 78703tx, 896514, 93gsrhatch, acurahead, aerorulz, akfamayn, alexjordan98, alreli-73, ambientlife, amx3607, andrewcttu2009, antiquesthingsandstuff, armandogarcia2, artchichi, astrosfan4life, augustsouth, austinleesayre, autohaus2, beastieboykb24, berna-genn, bingowafflemonkey, bluish_eclipse79, bmohninn, boba_fett300, bodie_dog, boye-matt, brain_gloup, brandonmckiddy, brandonstout80, brend-brunn, browning1900, brycewilsonau, bubs0202, c0ldbrew, camelboyjr83, capt.doodoo, carcajou2a, carrifra_1aup2st3, cart.mcca, cathyjos123, ceogbdd, ch_hold84, chocotastic1, chump-ticketz, chunkyluva69, co0472.uiwff, co3smith3, concert-poster-collective, crismuz, cstorm15, d.da.silva, daisy-2000, dc_us_mmu30xaio, degra-lande, denyszyn, diego_vof, digo2101, dillo_erns, disneypinmax, djrobot_23, djwfamily, dmbpjfan4ever, donhampton, dr.-nick, dstaranto, dudeman83, eliz-0911, emjos92-9, etbcomics, f-m-p, fantasmita81, furbutt67, gchagan36, genae93, geoffreydang04, georgetan, ggood1992, goaljammer, goodstuffd9, greatmartigan, greenyogiyoga, grparrish-68, guerrierhabs, gvarela09, hambone01234, haydeltoys, helpmycar2005, hexobject, i4nim4ted, idlymikey, jamce-88, jarrolookingbil_0, jarydaktyljones, jerem_manan, jg985, joech14, johsimil0, jonswan1979, jos-lob, josejvenosa, jrsheppa, jter5272, kickdowngallery, kinojon, kneel13, leathers28, leejohnbell, leon_cepe, lepetitemort69, lilknightrida8, liveandletlist, luxartist69, magicman21, magictesla, malancan8, maranzanoj010613, marlborodoug, mattmccracken11, maxbello80, maximillian1970, mbaker151983, mcsolomonmusic, meikav123, mellow_zombie, mharvrx06, michaesilverstei-2, mondobro, mps_3169im1, mr.bonniwell, mr_time_master, msm0914, mss797, mycollection77chris, narbcamille, nerdofthecentury, newgadartse, nippletank, nolove8000, northernstatemom, obla-nata, odb_69, oneloosenut, onesellerone_1, onigiricollections, onurb80, onyourleft23, oz.gallery, peneelle, perezbrandon, perkybeans_perkybeans1, phlipjcoggins, pjsmarine, pmi-motoinc, posterfanatic14, primenumbers13, prsprllc, psycandy, qman6, rain*king, rangulo85, raymorosal, richard_puzio, rmal4109, rockandrollframed, rockethype7, roschetta82, rrangel003, salsaljac, satanicsith, satish.bhat1, scprayer, scubru, sergentbrody, sfthnds242, slallo, sneipur, sofiamariafl, soulific, sow1, staygold_toys, stphanimarque0, sund-41, supremesteez, swhollocker, t100001, tele-sports, tenaciousjack, texmexbuddha, thedyson, themalonefamily, themasterblaster, thisismyspame-20, thor_eil, timemachinecollectibles-us, tirednoodles, todstott, toomuchtoenjoy, traeconklin, travispb, tsgtjedi, tucker1918, tvtreasures57, tywescoat-9, ukroadsongs, usderri_kabm8eura, usjoh_ku7zs, vintagebyrae, volutpat, vskgb, wca0288, willcar-95, wingnut138, wisconsinvape, woodrow_gus, woodyworld, wwhawk, xavier2355, xumphreakx, yannickyannick84, zgra5770, zoladus

Please share yours with us. Email your blocked buyers list and we will update it here.
